Do you also want to use neem stick instead of toothbrush? then know how much it will be right for you

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of health care. Those who treat you with traditional medicine, it is used to improve one’s health. That is why we are here talking about the age-old technique of using neem twigs to brush teeth.

Neem twigs or Datun have been used to maintain dental hygiene long before the advent of toothbrushes. But does it really work? Let’s find out!

Know how brushing teeth with neem twig is a better option:

Neem is a popular medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine and is used for a variety of purposes. There are many ways in which you can maintain dental health with neem, but the most popular and effective method is to use a neem twig to brush your teeth.

Now know the benefits of using neem teeth:

1. It protects you from bacteria

According to Ayurvedic, natural neem twig is effective in fighting germs. Hence, it helps in keeping the bacteria away. In addition, it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are great for protecting your oral health.

2. Maintains Alkaline Levels

Brushing teeth with neem helps to maintain an alkaline level in your saliva. This further helps in rebuilding the enamel and also helps in fighting cavity-causing bacteria.

3. Teeth Whitening

Neem datun will prove helpful in whitening your teeth. It removes the yellow color and makes your teeth look whiter.

4. Reduces bad breath

Neem sprigs act as a mouth freshener, which helps in removing the bad odor coming from your mouth and keeps the mouth fresh.

Know what is the right way to use Neem Datun

This is one of the oldest methods used for good oral health. To do this you:

First put a stick in your mouth and with your teeth gnaw the bark for a couple of inches. Chew it until the hairs of the twig are cut. Its sticks are a bit tough, so it will take some time. Now, you can use this twig to brush your teeth.

Keep in mind that when you brush your teeth with neem twigs, a small amount of neem oil is released. This oil has major antibacterial properties, so just wait it out.

Benefits of Neem Datun

Regular cleaning of teeth is very important for our health. Today there are many types of means available for cleaning teeth. Along with this, there are many types of toothpaste which are said to be very useful for our teeth. Earlier only Datun was used. Now thin branches of many trees are used for Datun. But for its selection, we see that the branch of which tree makes a good cookie. Along with this, if any other medicinal properties are present in it, then it is considered better.

If neem is tested on all these parameters, then neem comes true on these parameters. That’s why the use of neem teeth is also considered useful in naturopathy. To make neem teeth, use that branch which is not dry. Wash it thoroughly with water. Then make toothbrush fibers by chewing one end of it well with the teeth. Let us now know the benefits of Neem Datun.

Benefits of Neem Datun

  1. Gums strengthened
    One of the benefits of washing the mouth with neem teeth is that it strengthens the gums. Brush the teeth from top to bottom in the upper teeth and from bottom to top in the bottom teeth. This will make your gums strong.
  2. Treatment of pyorrhea
    If you regularly brush your teeth with neem teeth, then you will not be troubled by the problem of pyorrhea. For this, you should move the toothbrush around the teeth well so that the cleaning can be done properly.
  3. Natural mouth freshener
    Neem teeth also act as a natural mouth freshener which does not cause bad breath. You can do Datun from five minutes to 15 minutes. If you do not rinse for one to two minutes after brushing your teeth, then its effect is more. Datun can be done twice in the morning and at night.
  4. It is a phlegm killer.
    According to Ayurveda, neem, acacia etc. have been asked to do datun of the stem of trees. All these teeth are of bitter/bitter taste. Now the question arises that why only Datun is dominated by bitter or bitter juices? In fact, sweet, acidic, salty juices increase Kapha dosha, while bitter, pungent, astringent juices destroy Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda, the region of the mouth has been called the abode of Kapha. The morning time is also Kapha predominant and due to sleeping whole night, Kapha gets accumulated inside the mouth. Use a toothpick containing bitter, bitter and astringent juice that destroys Kapha dosha.
  5. Purity will remain intact
    It is obvious that nowadays private companies mislead people by showing their populist advertisements. Salt and acid juice are also being mixed in many dishes. Acid or salt juices will clean the teeth, but these juices can damage our gums. But if you use neem teeth instead, then there is no harm to you. Your oral purity also remains intact. That’s why use neem toothpick regularly.